Solspray will remove all soils including dirt, food spills, greasy oil films, fat, carbon and smoke deposits, bathroom build-ups, lipstick etc. Solspray will clean hard surfaces – walls, stoves, laminex, glass, shower recesses, paintwork, venetian blinds, porcelain, stainless steel, chrome etc. Soft surfaces – vinyl upholstery, synthetic fibre carpets and rugs. Solspray is not suitable for cleaning cotton or leather upholstery.
Product features
▪ Suspends dirt and soil – no need for rinsing
▪ Specially designed for spray/wipe cleaning
▪ Ideal carpet prespray – breaks down dirt and stains prior to extraction cleaning
▪ Excellent carpet steam detergent for synthetic fibre carpets.
Product features
▪ Suspends dirt and soil – no need for rinsing
▪ Specially designed for spray/wipe cleaning
▪ Ideal carpet prespray – breaks down dirt and stains prior to extraction cleaning
▪ Excellent carpet steam detergent for synthetic fibre carpets.