SilverChef Finance Now Available


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Fletchers Supplies is excited to announce to have partnered with SilverChef Finance. SilverChef provides flexible equipment finance for hospitality businesses, and have helped more than 50,000 hospitality businesses achieve their dreams.

How can SilverChef help you?

Whether you're an established business or just starting out, SilverChef have the expertise and flexible finance solutions to help you succeed. 

Explore the flexible finance products: 


The Benefits of SilverChef


How do I apply for finance?

Get pre-approved today. Your application should only take about 3 minutes to complete.

There is no obligation to finance with SilverChef as a result of completing this application. We will also not run any credit checks without your permission.

To complete the application you will need to have ready:

  • Your ABN
  • Your Drivers Licence
  • Your Medicare Card


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